Let's Be

 I do not wish, really, to discuss

I do not wish to analyze, or debate

Or even exchange stories in wordy wonder waltzes

These are fine, but no

What I desire

What I hope

What I feel in my love is that you


You may know this too

And for yourself see

And feel

In grace, taste the sweet degrees of freedom


And with a knowing smile, sit with me

Cease to stew and be

Between us both

An embrace by God, or Gods, and Goddesses decree

Of love, kindness,


And what's more

A wholeness and a unity.

Let's be.

I am.

I am ready.

So you see,

Cease by silent stillness of your enervating wastes of energies

Abate your great attempted escapes from what is and is and yet in mind it shouldn't be.

Surrender. Yes. Say yes. Say yes and yes to this and that and bric-a-brac

Each an opening to something new

Each a teacher, sitting silently in reach of truth

And pitter patter of your laughs

A loving arabesque

A sagely serviced

Lasting practice

To outlast.

To undress.

To set aside the knife point traumas of your past

And leave your daggers drawn upon the floor

In sidewalk chalk motifs.

And leave the morrow for its own marrow to espouse

It's not there anyway.


Yes you.

Sit with me.

And let us not talk.

But listen.

And love.
