Row boat

I want to share a secret
I want your ears close
I want whispers to be our language
I want you to know I treasure this moment most
I want us to explode in laughter
I want the waves of sincerity
To lap gently at our little row boat
Out upon a still lake
And feel your presence as we stare into the depths
And pass a cigarette back and forth
We call each other by names
Other people aren't supposed to know
References built on intimacies
And wide eyed staring
Into each other's souls
Your hands upon me
As we hug, and smile,
And cry
Because why wouldn't we?
We don't have to deny anything
We don't have to hide
We don't have to lie about how we're doing
Or what we did
Or what we're supposed to show.
Can we find a space, a place,
A Grace where suddenly this
Subtle sacrament is toasted
By our gentle awakening from expectations
Into a love
That holds us both?
