
Lift this veil,
Sift me from the hailing maelstrom.
Drifting as I am,
Can I demand a sailing ship
While flailing at the depths
Testing for the sand betwixt
My trembling finger tips?
Still I quip
That something in my muddy waters
Is amiss;
Something solid, calling out apologies
And folly,
Following these thoughts from the abyss;
Stalwart as a soldier, soft as lover's kiss;
Hollering "I told you!" as I'm swallowed
Drowning in the mix of hollowness.
Bawling out my eyes,
How could I have fathomed that my calling,
In the midst of all that's falling off,
Was hollering my name, and yet I scoffed,
Hauling all my attitudes
And ancillary plans, coddling my bruises
Assuming that I knew the Truth?
My thoughts and sleuthing held aloft,
With my demands?
I seek the Godly fountain
And surmounting of this mountain
Where I find my following, to You.
