Dreams of pleasure

I lust to feel my delight;
I want it coursing through my corpus,
Shining down in sunbeam streams,
Soaking in my soul,
Dripping down my mind.
I told the fairies flitting here and there,
This boredom takes its toll.
I stuff myself;
With just another morsel,
Engorging 'til I'm full.
Knowing "more" is a deception,
But of course I'll open up another door;
This lunatics direction;
Of course I'll savor sour-sweet sentiments,
And take them at their word,
Till hours mount, and drown the peace that
I was seeking;
Suckling at world's teet that I adore;
It leaves me craving;
The difference 'tween the need and seeking
Subjects of my dancing visions,
Means I don't much care
That all of it will leave me steaming,
Breathing heavy for another taste of heaven,
As my breast is heaving.
