
I sit within,
Embarking my awareness from the caustic gloss and marked din.
My sins are a reminder
Of the times I spent,
In dwelling with regret, and yet
I settle somber
As a bombardier;
Accosting of the loss
And my lament.

And sensing scent of testaments,
A sending of my sentiments addressed to mention it;
Of the bossiness and loss
I called upon; resented;
Drawing dawns with fawning over
Platitudes and battered pawns;
Apologies for rattling my saber later;
Praying over battlements, habits,
And chattering demands endangered.

A stranger to the heards, am I.
A lesson that is mentioned till demented,
Meant my treasures are all weaponized.
Decrying my deceit;
Denying all that seemed so soft, aloft, and sour-sweet;
I deemed the ocean and it's waves retreating,
Now beseeching what remains,
That I can practice prattled reaching,
By the means of saddlebags I stuffed with chattle brands and dour teachings.

Do I mean it?
So it seems.
I dream demeaned, but breathing,
Seeing from my keep the stipulations
I bequeathed;
The reasons I decreed;
The seasons and their scheming messes, Left enmeshed with seething greed.

And less I test the mettle of my meddling,
I only know the messages received;
Dwelling in reprieve.
Welling up with wishes
I could kiss the valley of the deep.
