Witches Brew

 And the squeaking of the cauldron

Against the stubborn, swirling, turning spoon ceases

And the witches brew, with dash at last of rabbit paws

And pass the ravens claws

To SPLASH! Upon the gaping cauldron maw

And Gasp!

At last! Complete!

So sweet,

The wafting of the little bits of this and that, all gurgling, burbling,

Twirling with the burning sticks and twigs beneath,

And smokey, shimmering cinder streams, dancing along the air in sheets.

Happenstance (as happens have it) calls for halves of hats

To serve as chalice

For the stewey, gooey, magic masterpiece

That bubbles in its boiling vat.

A pitch black cat, to serve as maître d,

A wing of bat to make a napkin for the dribbles dropped so easily,

When nibbling on the nomscious, raucous feast.

A crazy cavalcade of dazing tastes,

Spicy, sweet,

--And oh, a little rat to grasp the crumbs that fall between your feet--

Sour, salty, malty, finishing with notes of autumn and

A lofty, luscious, lolligag of softened thoughts like cotton.

Happy, tap dancing little feelings prance between each slurp of

Earthy stew, tickling faces into smiles,

Rising miles, and miles, and miles till the ceiling starts to smile too.

And all the while--my wide eyed, whimsy wired child--

Does the chortle of the witchy worker

Bright upon their broom, like a kite among the skies so soothing,

Kindly moves the heart take a rest

Amongst the wondrous knicks and knacks, and bric a brac upon the wicker walls,

And little sprigs of lavender in spider silk nets.

At last, the famishing is banished,

And the stomachs full of magic mana mark the vanishing

Of tragic plans and circumstances.

And standing to their coats, the visitors do toast

Their warm, witchy, wondrous host,

And leave at last, to follow toes that know their own ways home.

But turning back, once more, a grateful glance,

They find the witch return their gaze with broom in hand.

“I near forgot”, the witch decrees

“To say the words so urgent to the evening’s sweet festivities”

“And so to speak, precisely and so rightly do I mean”

"A very, very, oh so Happy Halloween!”
