What is Bothering You Right Now?

What is bothering you, right now, this moment? What's wrong? Is something causing you pain, discomfort: is it too cold, too hot, is it too loud, too dark or too bright?

Are you afraid? Do you expect something to happen, or that something could happen? Or is it that you don't know what will happen? What are you afraid of, anxious about? What are you feeling, right this very second?

What is good right now? What around you is pleasant, enjoyable, neutral even? What, simply, is. What is just there. You know it's there, but that's it. There's nothing more to it, at least as far as you can tell. Or maybe there's more, but you don't care. It's fine just as it is. You don't need to know more. You don't need to know why it's good, why it's neutral, it simply is.

Listen to it. All of it. The bad, the good, step back and just let it all be. You'll be ok, nothing bad will happen. The future isn't here yet, it can't affect you, not directly anyway. The past, it's gone. The only part of the past still affecting you is the part of it inside you. Maybe you don't want to let it go. Maybe, it doesn't want to let go. Maybe it seems stuck to you, or you to it.

It's not here, not the real past anyway. You are here. The real you. The only you that you will ever know, right here, right now. You thought you missed it, just then, a second ago. You felt like you were really you there. You don't want to let go; relax. You’re still you, now as much as ever. Let you be you. Don't worry, you were you then before too: you don't have to prove it to anyone.

Be at rest in this, safe, knowing, you are you. You will always be you. You have always been, you. It cannot be any other way. If you don't feel like You, or you think, that thing, back there, that was You, you're sure. This time you're sure. That's you, right there: staring back at a shadow you have cast, sure that you're seeing you. It is you, you say, you're sure, you can see it. You can see you.

But it's not you. It's a shadow, a shadow of you. It's the imprint of you in the world, in the reality you are a part of. It looks like you, because you made it. It did not make you, you were there first.

And if you move, it will move. It, the thing, the shadow of you, will change because you changed it, not because it changed you. It cannot change you. It is not you. You are you. You are always, will always be, have always been, you.
