
There is something I would try to say
If only thoughts would train themselves
To plainly peel dainty crops of knowledge
Sought in desperation left from college parking lots
And conversations lost in naming
Wrought from lately pondered often wandered
Stalking preponderances
Dragging on, and on, and on
Dawning each day so strangely common
Neither neglected nor misbegotten
But abused and battered
Sauntering on with hand on sword in scabbard
Pots and platitudes placed aloft
In habits often taught
By holes where rabbits loftily toss cabbage leaves
Seemingly distraught, I’d rather be where nothing matters
But the cost is haggard bragardly tattered moss
A sign of loss to lathered frost
and aged posch standards
Doth the hammer toll a nightly ravaging
Or was the grabby git a slobbering sobbing malard
Cast as not but Dolly’s ceasely jabbering
A roster of the bottom’s ballad
Soup or salad malady
Your boss thinks you're just callously unbalanced In your palace
tallying results to soothe your dilly dally
Ringing chalice sipping sadly
Often madly
base morality’s gala sadly teaches nothing, Naught
And namby pamby body image barely rallied anything but the reality of cost
It caught up to me and left a fallacy
A gravity of mismatched military
Oft a calollily sadly tossed aside
Crossed by devil's dripping dalliances
Plastered ruefully and suiting of the awnry sots
Insanity is Hocking what you brought
And then forgetting it was godly
Originality in tots so unimaginably fraught
With a causality of brutish biting
Bitter bigotry and beastly badgering
Wash your hands of what the whisper told you
Society won't scold you
But the Twitter bots and stinking Lincoln logs
Remind a loser what he stopped believing
When retreat and Savage beatings
Left a lumpy little seedling
Within a labyrinth of lavish teasing
Simple suffering leaving bleeding sores
And whoring out of meaning
Thieving from the children their believings
Leaves them steaming in a puddle on the floor
Before I finish, I'll settle up a score
I cannot mourn my war, still dreaming
That the boring morons soaring forwards
On a crash course with the tomb of ceiling
While the poorest of the team are faced
With Gorey death and sullen feelings.
Forced into supporting gilded coaches for the gleaming court.
Door to door, and hag to hog
Toiling temperamental cogs
Caught between tempest, and a looming fog
Should the master cast a blow
So he sews a reckoning
Ensures a deafening roar is the response
And though his Toadies may applaud
At what may seem, to them, a gentle prodding
To the masses lasts indomitably
Audibly a hashtag: #ProudToBeAnOddity
We find ourselves commodity
Branded by haughty cries
Lambasted as we sigh ourselves to sleep at night
Screaming silently
Inside the prison where we keep our weeping pride
Tonight, I lay me down to sleep
And pray the Lord have mercy on the weak
Who seek to beat us into sheepish heaps of misery
They do not know to fear future that they reap
A molded morbid morning,
Adorned with earn’ed tragedies, forlorn and seeping sadly
As they stand upon the feat that bore them to such destiny
I pray, the Lord, the whole of all our souls to keep
For I do not have such luxury, today
Of believing that a revolutions price is cheaply paid
And as I lay me down to sleeps embrace
I swear a solemn oath
That greying may not rob me of my faith
That everything will be ok.
